It's The Little things You Do...Uh!
In the past 2 weeks my little guy has become more of a little boy. It amazes me that all of a sudden he understands things. He gets it.
I'm not talking about anything too dramatic. Not like he just learned how to drive a stick. Even though that would be great since daddy still has no freaking clue.
They may seem small, but they make me smile.
1) Instead of me chasing him around the house, he decided to chase me and with a great, big smile saying Da Da Da Dee, Da Da Da Dee.
2) He likes to open and close doors now. He understand how they work and understands that the door knob will open the ones that are not ajar. Thank God he's still too small to reach them, but he tries...
3) He always loved that stupid Sloth from that show "It's a Big Big World" At the end, the annoying creature touches the screen to give a high 5 so to speak. Even though he only has 4 fingers. Babydog actually reached out and gave him 5 back onto the screen. Cute!
On a side note...
Have you seen this stupid thing? This Sloth character is totally on drugs. Wicked Hop Head. He had to be based on Keanu Reeves as well. Cause the thing talks like him. Whoa! and Excellent! Kewl! Yea Dude! Kind of annoying to me. Not sure if I really want a pot smoking sloth teaching my son how to get along with all the animals in the tree. Actually, that doesn't sound too bad. Meeeeeellooooow
4) He understands to put lids back onto things and recognizes where they go.
He's become very neat. Which is good right now. When he plays with a certain toy, he likes to put the pieces into a bucket and then put the lid on it. In fact he ripped off the table on his high chair (bought at Ikea) played with it and then put it back onto the high chair when he was done. It was backwards, but it's the thought that counts.
5) He answers the phone. If the phone rings he makes a B line toward it and will try to answer it. We have multiple phones for him to play with since we knew early on that he loved them. He'll pick one up and pretend to talk on it. He got that from Mommy...
Today he even tried to put back one of his play phones onto the cradle of the actual phone. He couldn't figure out why is wouldn't fit, but he left it by its side. Good enough.
6) He definitely has the petting of the dogs down. Before you were never sure if he would grab or pet, but recently he is all about the petting. I still see the look in the dogs eyes. They sure as hell don't trust him yet.
7) He opens his mouth wide and lets out a loud "AAAAAAAH" when he goes in the bathroom because he knows he is getting his teeth brushed. So funny.
He knows the difference between that and the bath. Mostly because he's naked for the bath. Which by the way he really enjoys. I wonder how long that will last???
8) He likes to wave bye bye when he wants out of his high chair.
9) He makes the best Southern Comfort Manhattan's with a touch of honey. That boy was born to be a mixologist.
10) My all time favorite so far. He has learned to say Uh Oh. He hasn't really used it in the right context yet until today. He likes to spin around on one of our backs. Catdoggg spun him around and he was laughing hysterically. I'm definitely going to get video of this soon. Toward the end he was dizzy and his head started to bob. He was still smiling. Catdoggg put him down and you could tell he was fighting it. He was on all fours and he tried to stand up and just fell hardcore and flopped onto his back. He actually flopped into the old tray from his high chair and he held onto it as it fell on him. Before we could react he just looks up at lets out an "Uh OOOOH" We died laughing...Uh Oh
keep him naked
chicks dig it
unless they live with kiki, then they just ignore it...
He's the Isaac of the PapaDog Love Boat? Nice!
My dog used to look worried like he was shitting out a peach pit when my daughter would pet him.
Ok one time? in 8th grade? my friend and I mixed Southern Comfort and Dr Pepper. Do.Not.Do.This.
The flaming cough syrup drink from hell!
CUTE story about baby dog. "Babies laughing" should be played at the DMV, it would be so much nicer of a wait.
Jeez, I haven't even begun to drink yet today and just LOOK at the ramble.
A pot-smoking sloth is better than a coke-snorting hyena. Ooh, I just got a great idea for a kids' show!
Kiki- they will definitely dig what's he got to show.
Original mel- Babydog will be visiting kiki when he gets older to learn his trade secrets. Plus how to spike his hair...
Furious- nothing beats when the cat whacked him upside the head and Babydog just laughed at her.
Scootsdale girl- it's easier if you just hook up the I.V. drip.
Diesel- just as long as the hyena shares...
After reading these comments I have determined that you know some really strange people...
These are the best years, when everything they do is cute. Enjoy them while you can. When the shyt hits the fan (in the very near future), the Southern Comfort Manhattans are on me.
Nice use of the family guy video! I love it.
Also, get him to pour me a Bud.
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