Slide Time
Not too long ago, Babydog went to the playground. He seemed to be more interested in the other kids than anything else. All we cared about was throwing him down the slide and taking pictures. I think he liked it...
You might be cute sitting there, but someday our roles will be reversed. You'll be picking up after me. I'll be the one disappearing when your back is turned. I'll unleash death in my diaper. Try changing me when I become the Wiggle Worm!!! Oh yes, victory will be mine.
Not too long ago, Babydog went to the playground. He seemed to be more interested in the other kids than anything else. All we cared about was throwing him down the slide and taking pictures. I think he liked it...
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3:57 PM
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That looks like a blast! Me next!
When he gets older you're going to be pulling him kicking and screaming off that thing.
Oh man - he's having so much fun! But (and maybe it's the mom in me) shouldn't he be wearing a helmet?
Hugs and kisses to Baby A4!
Boobs- make sure your puppies are strapped in. you don't want to get a black eye...
Keith- we're already pulling him out of the playground kicking and screaming.
Editorgirl- good thing you aren't a mom- your kids would ride the short bus...
Papa: I'm always afraid of getting black eyes. This is why I don't run down the stairs.
That was mean! You and I have the same DNA remember?
Steve- He did have a great time.
Boobs- maybe you need someone to hold them while you jog???
Editorgirl- yea, but it's not like we had a child together... eeeeewwwww!
Taking kids to the playground is good for you. Every time you do that God spares a kitten's life.
Looks like the lil' fella was having a good time...I can tell by all the smilelatitudeness...ity
Nice action shots!
He is too damn cute. I can't stand it.
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