Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Birthday Weekend...

So it was Babydog's 1st birthday this weekend. Everyone had a great time with the little guy. He was an absolute angel on his big day.

I couldn't think of a better way to share his first birthday then to post a video montage.



Gal on the Go said...

Anthony that was truly wonderful! Great job! Now when will you have time to show me how to do that? Man I love technology! And my nephew of course :-)

furiousBall said...

that rocked - do they make those crowns with a 36? I need one in a few weeks.

ThePapaDog said...

That crown was well worth it. Found it on

I just go to Burger King and take one of their crowns.

Scottsdale Girl said...

The crown!!!!!!!! I need the crown!!!!!

Ok the cake eating? exactly the reason I didn't get the Prince one. After 10 tequila

Anonymous said...

looks like a good time...happy bday A4...

Anonymous said...

Happy #1

kiki said...

every birthday needs a montage. montage!

ooooh, even rocky had a montage!